Alley turning 8 (update 3)

My sister Angela called me and asked to take pictures of Alley in her white dress for her Baptism invitations. Of course I could not turn the opportunity down. I'm always looking for opportunities, for some reason Hunter doesn't like me taking pictures of him. Should had been into this much when my girls were home, I know one of them would had posed for me.

We went to a couple of places here in town, and Alley was a great sport, I told Angela we could last as long as Alley can. I think Alley might have out lasted us, I ran out of idea's.  It was a lot of fun. Of course before we started I surfed the web for a few ideas, didn't really find what I had in mind. I thought it would be cool to take some with balloons, so I went and bought 8 white balloons since she was turning 8. It was a lot of fun using the balloons, but also a little work because we had a breeze that would blow them and tangled them some.

It was hard for me to decide which one I like best for here are about 25 of them. Alley was easy to work with, you mention boys, willy wonka candy or just birthday and you would get big smiles, I loved it when I ask her for a little attitude!



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