It's a lot different actually working with the boys on a week to week basis, you get to know their personalities, up and down, and the quiet and noisy moments, I'm so grateful that the good comes much more often than the stress times.
This month we are working on decoration and invitation for our "Blue and Gold" coming up this next month. Since I love to craft, I had to make the boys do it too. They seem to like it too, anything that keeps the boys hands busy is a good thing. I'm actually excited how our invites turned out for our Blue and Gold. I was too busy helping the boys make theirs I didn't get a picture of them working on it, but here is what they looked like.
I got the idea from a pinterest friend, I found on the internet this made out of wood and wanted to make it, but not knowing the budget I didn't have the okay. While I was cleaning out my garage the other day, I had a bunch of boxes I was needing to take to the recycling bin and the thought came to me to make our flames out of them. It worked, Not as nice, but they turned out just fine for our table decorations for a one hour Cub Scout night. The boys still have to make logs to go with our flame. And as far as the invite go, we attached and rolled them around the wood marshmallow and place a clear hair rubber band around it. The boys were excited about them.
Here's a picture of my pinterest find. It's very cute, and still might make one just to have around for my Grand daughters play tent we have at our house for when she comes. And the wood marshmallow would fit perfect with the play food I plan on making for her kitchen.
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Duane and I have also been busy with our local Boy Scouts Merit Badge "POW WOW"
tomorrow will be our last week of classes. I've been in charge of the paper work, and Duane has been in charge of the Teachers, classes, and Food.
We've been working on this since August, and we hope it all ends tomorrow liked planed. That's one thing I have noticed, is no matter what kind of time frame you are on, or things you asked for to be turned in, just does not happen, and at time it like we spend more time figuring out how not to do it then just doing it. One day I might be able to figure this out. I told Duane that I must be a very strong "A" personality because it a lot of these thing bother me. He said yes, "most of us are like that." Where in the world did I pick up this type of personality? I wasn't like this growing up. That's a whole other blog date.
We have had some great teachers for the Pow Wow, some of the classes have almost if not 50 boy in them. I have taught Pow Wow classed close to that size before, and it's not the easiest to do. Especially on some of the serious merit badges. It's amazing to see which teacher can come up with ways to make these classes still fun. Pow Wow goes for 3 Saturday in a row. I've racked my brain trying to find a new way to say thank you to all those who have taught and I finally came up this these:
Stress ball and Trail mix, It's kinds cheesy but that's what I do well. I've made 30 of these, and for some reason I'm feeling I might not have made enough. There are so many people who jump in and help all the time. When everything is said and done, there should be over 500 merit badges earned this month. We had over 115 boys sign up.
Way to go Kim! You always go above and beyond.